In April 2020, members and friends of the Woman’s Board started raising money for the Rush COVID-19 Response Fund. Together we raised over $137,000, which includes matched dollars from an anonymous Rush donor. These gifts went toward helping Rush provide meals to frontline staff, launching COVID-19 research studies, awarding emergency grants to students experiencing financial hardship, and offering technology to connect inpatients with their loved ones virtually. Thank you for supporting Rush University Medical Center!

Special Thanks
We would like to recognize our generous members and friends who contributed to the Rush COVID-19 Response Fund through the Woman’s Board.
Mary Ahern and John Chlebowski
Sarah and Matt Alshouse
Paget Bahr
Steve and Meg Barnhart
Elizabeth and Chandler Bigelow
Stevie and Porter Boggess
Amy and Clay Brock
Dean and Rosemarie Buntrock
Caroline Burns
Stephanie and Bradley Byrd
Katie and Kevan Comstock
Judy Cook
Elizabeth and Matthew Denison
Joan DePree
Jane Eberly
Annie Flanagan
Victoria Frank
Gwen Geller
Anne and Hall Healy
Stephanie Henry
Melissa and Mark Iserloth
Janus Henderson Foundation
Nancy Jaffee and Bill Patterson
Eileen and Rick Kasten
Jennifer and Patrick Keenan
Catherine King
Kristin and Bruce Koepfgen
Karen and Liam Krehbiel
Read Lanctot
Anne and David Loucks
Lenore and Bill Macdonald
Cindy and Kurt Mancillas
Susan and Mark Matejka
Wentworth McGovern
Susan Merlin
Margaret Nelson
Suzanne and Michael Nelson
Katie and John Palmer
Barbara Potter
Julie Potter
Karen and James Reid
Reid Beam Associates
Emily and Tom Reynolds
Jennifer and Garrick Rice
Missy Cook Romanoff
Erica Sandner
Missy and Phillip Shinall
Zig and Don Smith
Gillian and Robert Stoettner
Laura and Doug Thompson
Suzy Thompson
Elaine and Stephen Timbers
Berdine Walker
Adrienne Weisenberger
Stephanie Wilson
The Junior of the Auxiliary of The Woman’s Board of Rush University Medical Center
Contributions received as of June 17, 2020.